The Naughty Bears
Im not actually too sure whether this is a common story or that
anyone will be able to actually relate to any of it. What I can
actually promise is that what i am writting is the truth ( sometimes
a very rare comodity on the internet)
When ever I have had the chance I have always posed the question to
people , and that is
"How did your fetish for spanking start??" "Where has it come from?"
and for those people who actually take the trouble to answer it has
usually come out as the following.
Spanked at school
Spanked by a loco parent
IN RARE CASES Spanked at home
Followed by watching others being spanked
Playing games of schools , mummies and daddies , doctors and nurses
Very rarely , if not not at all , have i come across anyone who
became interested in spanking by having a 1940s , politically
incorect Enid Blyton type bedtime story read to them . Now surely I
cant be the only one , can I???
One sunny day in hermaltime the three bears were playing merily
merily in the woods .
It was late afternoon and it was a few hours before teatime , but
alas the three bears were already hungry as they had been playing
with each other in the woods (that sounds disgusting).
They all decided that they would go indoors and ask mummy bear for
something to eat.
"Mummy ?" they all said in unison "Were hungry can we have something
to eat"
Mummy bear had been busy all afternoon , doing what mummy bears did
in those days , which was of course the housework , while daddy bear
was busy out at work earning pennies.She was tired and iratable and she roared at the three bears
Of course it goes with out saying that back in those days young bears
respected their parents and elders unlike to days generation ,
Even although the three bears had the arseache they did as they were
told other wise they knew they would have the arseache in a different
Billy bear who was the oldest bear and was approaching adolesence ,
decided that he was going to lead the other two little bears to rebel
against Mother Bears Authority.
Billy bear who was the oldest bear and was approaching adolesence ,
decided that he was going to lead the other two little bears to rebel
against Mother Bears Authority.
There was a big big pot of Honey on the top shelf in a the Larder

which was obviously in the Kitchin.
"OK" said Billy Bear "If that old hag bag will not feed us , we will
steal the pot of honey. Benny bear get me a chair" Barked out Billy
bear in his best Commando Voice.
Benny Bear who was younger than Billy bear and frightened of his
older brother went scaryingly along to get a chair.
Once the chair was in place benny bear was ordered to get up on the
chair and retrive the Honey Pot , but alas he just couldnt reach.
"You Stupid bloody bear" Growled billy "Why dont you eat more
Bernice bear was in the corner watching her two brothers trying to
mastermind operation honey pot. Although she the youngest and was
only a girl she was actually the one with the brains out of the bunch
because she did not want to get involved in Operation Honey pot. But
surfice to say she wouldnt mind handeling the proceeds out of the
"Bernice" growled billy bear "Get up on bennys shoulders and get the
"Oh do I have to" came her meek reply.
Yes you do ordered Billy.
Unenthusiastically she climbed onto benny bears shoulders and tryed
in vain to reach for the pot.
Sudeenly Mummy Bear appeared at the kitchin door.
"What the blazers is going on ?" she demanded to know.
With that benny bear the honey pot was knocked over and came hurtling
to the floor.
Basically for The offence of try to steal the Honey from the pot The
three bears were spanked with Daddies slipper when he got home from a
hard day in the honey factory.
In this day and age the three bears could have phone childline and
got daddy bear nicked , as for thier offence of stealing they would
have just been let of with a jolly good talking too . Alas we are
talking about a childrens book that was written in the 1940s. Back
then the message was simple "Do anything wrong kids and you will not
be sitting down for the forseeable future"
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