Friday 6 February 2009

A Trip to the Jersey

A Trip to the channel Islands

As I have already seemed to state I had quite a few aunties that use to pound my backside with a slipper when I was a child. Most of the memories would of course be very vivid but there is more than one story that I can relate back to you

My mother (who by the way never laid a finger on me as a child) own
mother (who passed away in the late 40s) came from a family of I
think the number was 12 or 13. At least half of these were female thus I had my fair share of willing aunties.
To name but a few Aunty Lilly, Aunty Gloria, Aunty Bobby, My mums
mum, another one whose name I’ve forgotten and of course the twins
Aunty Peggy and Aunty Betty.

Aunty Peggy married Uncle Mac who just so happened to come from
jersey and was of course fairly well off to say the least. Aunty
Betty had also married a fellow from Jersey but he was unfortunately
executed in the war by Nazis. I should think that this possibly
bought them all closer together (as wars inevitably do) as both Aunts
still live together now, though uncle Mac is long gone, (Bless him)

Out of all of them I should think Aunty Gloria would be the one who
could of had a fairly good career as a dominatrix (God she hated me)
but Aunty Peggy & Aunty Betty came a very close second best. Between
them they use to make Uncle Mac do all the chores, Drive them
around, and wash up, after which he would make a cup of tea for the
ladies at aunty Peggy’s comand. God didn’t she crack the whip on that
poor sod; I should think death came as parole to uncle Mac.

In this side of the family males were generally frowned upon as were
the younger ones meaning the girls were always favoured over the boys
(I think that’s something to do with the suffragettes myself but one
cant be sure). So it may be possible that a young boy like I was at
the time offering his bottom up to them for a little spanking with
the slipper might have just had its appeal. Once again I will repeat
this was not child abuse on their behalf it was all very innocent.

Both aunty Peggy and aunty Betty wore open toed slippers (because Jersey is a fairly hot country) with the fairly ridged plastic soles. Aunty Peggy also used the fly swatter, which was a different type of sensation all together.

The first time I remember going to jersey was when I was 4 and we
always use to go and say goodnight to Aunty Peggy and Aunty Betty
before bed and low and behold I would be told the story of the three
bears and have my bottom smacked by both Aunties.

Now for those of you who think this must be a touch on the strange
side wait till you hear this. Not only did they use to tell me the
story of the three bears but why they were whacking my arse they use
to sing as well. Now I don’t know what you all make of that
but on a scale of 1 to 10 of strange behaviour that does score fairly
high, don’t you think so? But having said all that I wasn’t
The second time we returned to Jersey was when I was 6 and still the
spankings went on.

Now the best time I went to Jersey was when I was 8. It was half
term and my long suffering mother decided to pack me off to the
channel islands for a week, (its nice to feel wanted mum). The reason
this week was good is because while out there I very conveniently
contracted Chicken Pox and the week ended up being 3 weeks with lots
of good spanking. While I am about it I recall there was this strange
woman who lived in one of the big houses who use to visit the house
every morning and use to inspect my spots and though I cant be too
sure I think my genitals were thrown in as part of the barging to.

Well these jersey type spankings ceased when both aunts refused to
carry out the acts when I was 13. How Unkind

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