Aunty Sheila
(Photos taken at an average family day out)
I always find it quite amazing the shifts in attitudes. Where parent’s teachers Aunties Uncles Grandmothers Neighbors friends of the family all use to talk openly about smacking bottoms say 30 or so years back, they wouldn’t dare today because they know there is an element that is undoubtedly dare I say it sexual.
One of the instants that has come to my mind whilst reading the postings is that one of My Aunty Sheila who once threatened to pull my trousers down at a family party and smack me, This is going back in 1980 or 1979.
She was totally unaware what this would do to me personally. Eventually I managed to manipulate Saturday afternoon visits whilst she was alone for spanking games.
I wrote all the following Passage in 2003
. Now if you don't mind please give me a while to explain as this
relationship is a little complex. Aunty Sheila was not actually an
aunty. By the time I was 12 my mother had remarried again to a bloke
who for arguments sake we will call big ears. Big Ears had an older
brother who for arguments sake we can call Bigger Ears. Bigger Ears
had a common law wife (meaning they weren't married but living in
sin, frowned upon in those days I can tell you) and her name was
Sheila. But to me she was Aunty Sheila why because they were adults
and I was not.
Now Aunty Sheila was the type of person who would of made a top
dominatrix without a doubt and made a fortune at it (That if you like
the battleaxe sort)
Aunty Sheila also had a son who we will call "Poor Michael" If you
want to know why he was called "Poor Michael" well alas it was
because he was for ever getting clumped round the head by either
Aunty Sheila or her common law husband Bigger ears, I sometimes
wonder how Poor Michael actually escaped without permanent brain
Big Ears who Ill remind you was my step father (Desperate to live out
his David Copper field bastard step father fantasies out and failing
dismally each time) he looked up to his bigger brother who had bigger
ears. I think they use to have these competitions between themselves
like "Who could piss off somebody else's children first and clump the
But, enough, this is getting away from the actual story, and I'm not
writing this to winge about the unjustified indignities I sometimes
suffered as a child and besides there were always people who suffered
The trouble with in laws outlaws and all the other laws is that they
always seemed to be habitual nosey parkers. If say for instant I did
something wrong as a child an in law would always take it upon
themselves to correct my misdeed. Now having a new family thrust upon
me at the tender age of nine only added to the list of people who
could not for the life of them mind their own business.
Anyway we are one night at big ear s mothers house for a Christmas
Party. I don't know what it is I had done wrong that night (as I
always claimed my total innocence under these circumstances) but
apparently I might have just been a touch over lippy to a few of the
really boring grown ups.So because as my long suffering mother goes I was beyond parental
control, in steps Aunty Sheila, having probably just freshly clumped
poor Michael. This hulk of a lady takes me to a little corner and
quietly says to me something along the lines of
"I am going to give you one warning and one warning only. Misbehave
once more this evening and I will take your trousers and pants down
and smack your bottom in front of everyone".
By the look on her face I did not for one moment think she was
messing about, infact judging by what poor Michael use to have to go
through I would lay on a bet that she was very bloody serious and I
was not about to take the risk in finding out.
However by this age I was already a fully into my spanking scenarios
to the extent there was no turning back whatsoever. So having this
little threat thrust upon me really made my little imagination run
riot about games me and Aunty Sheila could play in the future. I
started to look upon Aunty Sheila in a different light. It seems that
we would visit Bigger Ears and Aunty Sheila every Saturday Night.
Whilst the Adult would sit about watching a boring film on the
television occasionally having jolly topical conversations about
smacking their off spring I would be eyeing Aunty Sheila's Slippers
and her ample lap thinking yes please.
Aunty Sheila started developing a soft spot for me (SUSPECT) probably
because she saw traits of her own son in me (That's not true I was a
lot better dressed and I totally refused to wear Jesus sandals. She
started to make suggestion that I should come over on a Saturday
afternoon and we could go shopping (I swear to tell the truth the
whole truth and nothing but the truth).
"YYYYYYEEEESSSSSSSS, I've Scored" I would now be able to visit Aunty
Sheila and devise spanking games with her.
So it was planned, by the way I was 13 by this time. I remember this
Saturday I went to see Aunty Sheila we had been shopping in
and I had bought "The Great Rock in Roll Swindle" by the sex
pistols. When we got back to Aunty Sheila s in Chessington I played
it to her F words as well. During the shopping trip the subject of
smacking had risen more than once and we had both decided that I
would pretend I was her naughty son for a day.
The first spanking I received that day was because I questioned why
it was I had to call her aunty, seeing as she wasn't my real aunty.
She sat on the sofa hauled me across her knee and asked me what was
her name? To which I replied Sheila
Smack her hand came down in quick succession why I relaxed over her
"What is my name?" she asked again
"Sheila" I replied
Smack her hand came down again whilst I was over her lap thinking to
myself"This is nice"
"What is my name?" she said in a firmer tone.
"Sheila" I replied once again.
Aunty Sheila Part two
I remember that day as the first of many journeys over Aunt Sheila s
lap. Shortly after the first spanking for not referring to her by her
proper title the neighbour from next door popped his head in. Aunty
Sheila being the over wall merchant that she was told him she had
just spanked me for not calling her aunty. Talk about public
embarrassment . I would have been embarrassed had she admitted what
we had just been doing to a female neighbour let alone a male. I will
add that I was always embarrassed to admit up to these things
in front of older males. This was almost defiantly for fear of being
mocked for not conforming to the macho crap that us males are
suppose to conform to and being seen as a sissy. I asked Aunt Sheila
to promise not to tell anyone about what we were doing whilst I was
round there that afternoon and she agreed. I will add that she still
told my mother about the records I had bought one of which repeatedly
said the f word but at least she kept stoom about the spanking.
After Lunch which I recall was another one of those unhealthy fry ups
I started hinting at playing school games to which she was only to
happy to oblige. The first game started off with me standing in the
hallway as if it was a corridor and knocking on the living room door
to visit the headmistress. By this time Aunt Sheila was fully in her
role and playing it to a T.
I entered the room and was immediately bellowed at for some made up
misdeed I had committed and I mean bellowed at .As in good adult
role play I recall this was realistic to the point that I was
frightened as to whether she was actually serious or not. Her eyes
were piercing and the manner of this
She sat on the pink sofa and removed her slipper and hauled me over
her lap and proceeded to whack the seats of my trousers some dozen
times. The slippering was not hard but however it was firm, myself
I just lay there and took it. The movements of her body showed she
meant business and heightened my awareness this was not a lady to be
messed about with.
After the spanking she told me she would be informing my parents I
had been spanked meaning I would almost defiantly get another one
when I got home, hence the next scene was already fixed.
I would like to apologise to anybody reading this who might feel this
is not erotic enough, but please bear in mind I am telling it as it
happened. At a later stage I could make it more mouth watering with
more detail but these events happened 23 years ago and it is very
hard to remember the detail. I would also like to make clear as I
have done in past accounts that under no circumstances did this lady
abuse me. On reflection I think that one, she was lonely and two I
think she was very naive.
That day we both spent a lot of time playing school games and
pretending she was my mother. These visits continued for some months
at the rate of every other Saturday until such time that Aunt Sheila
finally twigged what we were doing might not be a good idea. However
it was fun whilst it lasted strange boy that I am.
ReplyDeleteThis is excellent. Many thanks.
awesome ... i wish i'd had a naive "aunt" growing up . lucky bugger ;o)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to join in the fun with Aunty Shiela next time!