Saturday 7 February 2009

My First Adult School Experience 1996

My First Dungeon & Adult School Experience

My visit to Aunt Jennifer had left my imagination running
riot. It was now coming to the stage where it wasn't so much I wanted
to be a part of the fetish scene it was more the case of I was in my
very late twenties and I needed to be part of the fetish scene. It
was if it was coming to the stage where nothing else mattered anymore
as I felt at the time I had been through too much personal shit. I
had completely failed in my attempts at living what most people would
term as the normal life or the life I had or we all have been
conditioned to lead. Settle down, have children, buy a house you cant
afford, owe the bank thousands, H.P. on a car, get divorced, pay
maintenance, back to bed shit land, work for sweet far. , Keep your
allotment clean, stand up for the national anthem, and by the way
your nearly thirty years old now isn't it about time you grew up. For
fuck sake I dreaded reaching thirty from the moment I was twenty-
five. I have always failed to see how you can be so young at nineteen
yet at twenty nice be told your past it. What happens when your forty
or fifty do you just quit enjoying your life? Or do you become a
responsible adult.
At this time I was beginning to suss out where I was going
with it all, or to the degree that I would want it sussed. It wasn't
just about the spanking anymore. Ok that played a key element that
goes without saying but there were other elements just as important
and if not for the immediate future a hell of a lot more important.
I had for a number of years been making contact with various
males through advertisements and those wonderful (lets rip anyone off
who is different and make them feel more inferior than they already
do) 0898 numbers. I will add the majority of these men were
homosexual. I have for a since my early twenties questioned my own
sexuality as for a long time I was being spanked by these men,
however that is another story.
Most of the time I just needed to talk to people, as I was
alone in my thoughts about it all. I rung up this guy who came from
up north somewhere and started to have some form of phone
relationship with him and just talked. It was quite apparent that the
guy in question was not for want of a better expression and almost
defiantly through no fault of his own fairly socially inadequate, but
it mattered nothing. I talked to him about my recent visit to Aunt
Jennifer and he seemed to get fairly keen over the phone to grab
every detail he could out of me
After a few phone calls he told me about an adult school that he
went to in Leeds run by a gentleman who owned a dungeon and a school
room and he invited me to come down. He told me that there would be a
real schoolmistress of the professional dominatrix type, a T.V.
Schoolmistress, a T.V. schoolgirl, and he would be a T.V. schoolgirl
hence making me the only school boy there. I did wonder to myself
whether he was actually winding me up because lets face it, it
wouldn't be the first time someone has actually told you about
something happening and made it sound better than it actually is.
Although I was possibly taking a risk by actually going I didn't
really hesitate in saying yes. So about a week later up I went to
I arrived at the coach station and was taken to this terraced house
which looked like something from the set of Coronation Street
somewhere in Leeds by this guy whose name I cant remember. On arrival
to the house, low and behold, guess what? No one was bloody well in.
I started to question this guy who had bought me here if this was
actually a wind up, and if so could he please tell me now, so I could
fuci off on the next coach home. He started to promise me it wasn't a
wind up but after travelling 200 miles he did not sound very
convincing. I wasn't going to come this far for nothing so I decided
to stick it out. On reflection I am very glad I did hang around
because this school actually happened and god bless this guy
everything he said was true.
It came to about 9pm that night when finally someone let us into the
house and my mind was finally put to rest that this school might
actually take place. We were let in by a man nearing retirement that
I learned was going to be the T.V. schoolmistress. He took us both to
the living room where the mistress of the house was sitting. Back
then I hadn't really had a lot of contact with a real mistress, like
I hadn't even been to my first fetish club, so the only mistresses I
had ever seen where either on telly or in a magazine. I gathered by
the accent that she was from Yorkshire, which happened to only be
down the road. I was quite taken a back at how normal she actually
was, short ginger hair, slightly plump standing at about 5f3inch,
fairly attractive without being tarty glamorous. I don't think I
really said that much to any of them, just general politeness, like
put the kettle on you tart.
After having a cup of tea we were taken on a tour to the schoolroom
area, the headmasters office, and the dungeon.
The schoolroom was a fairly smallish to medium room with brick
wallpapers a black board four real school desks and a desk where the
teacher sat. I did notice the cane hanging up in the corner and I
thought to myself there was absolutely no bloody way in the world I
was going to allow anyone to use it on me after all I had bought
slippers with me.
We were then taken to the headmaster's office. Now as far as
headmasters offices went this was a very realistic replica of my old
headmasters office not that I ever had to visit him for a clump. The
Master/ owner of this house really knew his stuff, what impressed me
was the buzzer on the door. It was one of those little electronic
boxes with four buttons that lit up. One said, "Call, the other
said, "Wait", the other, said "Enter" and lastly there was one that
said "Occupied" which meant someone was inside being walloped. The
interior of the office was done in the style of a typical seventies
modern day comprehensive. There was the Headmasters desk and the
cupboards ect. I notice the plimsoll first and was pleased that that
had not been left out as well as this was the array of canes a few
tawses paddles ECT.
Lastly but by no means least the Dungeon, now this was something to
take my breath away.


The Dungeon wasn't exactly massive (about 18f x 18f). From what I
remember it was very well equipped and had in my not so expert
opinion been very well thought out considering the lack of any real
play space available. The whips and punishment implements were
plentiful; I remember a Saint David's cross, a bench, a whipping
block (Which I was put in sometime later) and a suspension hook from
the ceiling (Which I was also to be suspended from). The dungeon was
of course like most dungeons painted black (nothing like an a
original colour scheme) and the house Mistress dealt with her clients
from there.
The following morning we all got ready for school and I was
introduced to the other T.V schoolgirl who was in her 70s. I
remember for a few things about the other T.V. school girl such as
him/ her prodding me throughout the whole weekend with words of
wisdom, him her continuingly going on about the war, and him / her
being very much into what Id call one upmanship. Apart from those
little traits a decent enough person he/ she was a little bit like an
old Yorkshire uncle in a gymslip the size of a tent. Suffice to say I
spent most of the weekend avoiding his /hers Cumberland sausage sized
finger prodding me as well as mimicking his / her accent.
The Bell went and my first adult school begun. We all lined up
outside the classroom and waited for the TV schoolmistress to appear.
Once Miss TV Schoolmistress appeared we all neatly filed into the
I forget what the first lesson was, what I do remember is how good
and well thought out this actually all was. Miss TV Schoolmistress
really went to some great effort to come across as convincing and she
managed with flying colours. I remember her ticking off the first TV
schoolgirl after she had just been caned and the ticking off reminded
me of a different generation.
I was off course naughty twice during the first lesson, though I've
forgotten what for. I was slippered on both occasions, once by the TV
School Mistress the second time by the headmistress. I remember later
on we did a music exam and I answered Bach to every single question
so that there was a grave possibility that I would get one question
right. But I got them all wrong.
Although this school was good I did sometime in the afternoon tire of
the game and after a bout of constant disruptive behaviour I was sent
to stay with the Headmistress for the afternoon (result).

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