Saturday 7 February 2009

My First Visit to Aunt Jennifer 1996

My First Visit to Aunt Jennifer
February 1996

I first came across Aunt Jennifer, or at least an advertisement of
Aunt Jennifer in 1992 in the contact section of the magazine forum.
To me at the time the service this lady was offering was something
completely different to what her counter parts were offering, with
all their whips chain willy crushers and empty promises of a good
time. I guess you could say for want of a better expression she was
right up my street and without a doubt looked like the genuine
article that I had been seeking for many years However after writing
to her she wrote back and informed me that she did not normally deal
with my age group but she told me her fee for an hour was £60 (sod
that that's two weeks giros) and she could sell me a video for £30 or
two for £50 (Believe it or not that was reasonable back then you can
get them for a tenner these days).
It was going to take me a couple of years (well four actually) before
I made contact with her again. I did however listen to her answer
phone message more than a few times, (pervert I am) though I promise
I never gave her obscene phone calls. Back in those days, before I
came out, which I could possibly term as the bad old days, but I wont
because it was a learning curb, it was all contact mags, 0898 numbers
(Sorry mum about the phone bill), a few girlfriends who run the one
minute mile if you even mentioned spanking, and old men playing the
part of strict uncle, (but that's another story).
I contacted Aunt Jennifer again towards the end of 1995 and I
was really surprised by the effort she made in her replying to the
letter. It wasn't the normal run of the mill scrap piece of paper
that I had received from so many so called professionals with the
normal scribble boob measurements and fee. It was a letter laying out
exactly the service she gave and exactly what I was to expect to the
letter if I dared visit her. Shortly after receiving the letter I
made a phone call to her and ordered a video (They hadn't increased
in price at all) which had her spanking her long suffering secretary
Peterkins for having a bad school report and wearing Matrons knickers
(Original). I phoned her again, talked for hours, (As you do)
And thus arranged a visit.
At this time I was very new and was scared of what I was
doing or what I was into. It had come to the crunch, I was in my late
20s and I had had a lifetime's involvement of fantasies surrounding
spanking, but had done little to make things better for myself. This
February day in 1996 was going to change this once and for all.
I spent most of the morning like a tit in a trance wandering
around Brighton more with a worried expression on my face as if I was
just about to visit the dentist to have my wisdom teeth out. At one o
clock I made my way to Salt dean to her house knocked on her door as
you do and was invited in, by this kindly Lady whose name was Aunty
After stroking the dogs, going to the living room, and
exchanging pleasantries, I gave her a brown envelope with the fee in
it, which had now gone up to £80 (now that's inflation for you 30% in
four years) but it did include a video of my day and believe me that
was more that reasonable. Also in the envelope was a note saying
please take it easy do not kill here and me's the address of my next
to kin in case of any accidents. Aunty Jennifer decided in all her
wisdom as an Aunt, and with great embarrassment on my behalf to read
the letter out allowed, correct the spelling mistakes, and sling the
four twenty pound notes on the table which remained there throughout
my stay. I was now beginning to feel a little bit more at ease with
her knowing that she was a head case as well thus we should get on ok.
I did explain to her that I thought she could have read the
note a little more discreetly. Then again who was I to argue, after
all one should remember their place, especially if they're just about
to get walloped?
That day I took with me two pairs of slipper. In those days
dommes didn't seem to keep slipper, which I thought under the
circumstance was pretty ridiculous but there you go. Ok for all you
slipper fetish bods out there one pair was a size 10 pair of blokes
slippers with leather sole, chosen purely for the fact that they
didn't hurt and the other pair was a maroon pair of felt ladies
slippers which were size 8 rubber soled with the white under laying
which by the way did hurt. I also had a dodgy pair of blue pyjamas
which I think she commented on them looking crap.
Without further a do and with me trying to stop myself from
creasing up laughing we began. She started of with the scenario of me
stealing money out of grandmothers purse (god that aint been done
before now has it?). And I was duly laid across her lap and had my
backside tanned with the sole of the leather slipper. I have actually
still got the video of this but im writing this out of memory. She
continued to pound my backside with this slipper and soon realised it
was not having any effect. (Well I wasn't complaining) but hey I
might as well go through with all of this so she took of one of the
other slippers, which she had been wearing since I bought them there.
She also decided to remove my pyjamas bottoms and under pants on
which she made a comment that I was wearing black underpants to hide
the skid marks (Well I wasn't going to wear white y fronts now was
I?). After a few more cutting remarks designed to leave me with an
inferiority complex she began to spank me in earnest. I think this
might have been possibly the hardest spanking I had ever had bearing
in mind that everything I had done, as a child regarding spanking
games was always playful. I literally wriggled all over her lap and
how the hell she managed to support me god knows. One thing for sure
I was left in no doubt that Aunty Jennifer knew what she was doing,
make no mistake about it. I was there for about an hour and a half
that day, some of the time we spent talking and I was the most
relaxed I had ever been with anyone for a hell of a long time.
On leaving her house that day I felt so happy that I had at last gone
through with it. There is no doubt whatever that that day I probably
took the hardest whacking that I had ever taken. But the feeling I
felt coming home to my shit bed-sit was equivalent to taking an
ecstasy tablet (not that I advise taking them) but with out the side
effect. Like there are no
two ways about it this day changed things
for me for the better and Im grateful. There was more to come.



  1. Another excellent blog. I had a similar experience here about 4 years ago, with a lady that I call 'mom'. She is also a professional. I spent all of the money I won on a scratch and win lottery ticket, on sessions with her. They were great.

  2. Aunt Jennifer can spank my naughty, black, ass, any day.

  3. From Aunt Jennifer, I want to be placed right over the knee and then get it right with the slipper on the naked butt until the glow and burns

  4. Got spanked several times by her in the lat 80s
    First time she wound if in just her glasses and flipflops. I was fully nude. Remember her wobbling bottom while she smick smacked aceoss the room to fetch a cane to finish off my bottom. Then we had sex.
    Happy memories of a lovely woman
